CAVORT’s Board of Directors is comprised of appointed members from conference host theatres and members elected at biennial general meetings. The CAVORT Board meets annually – once in the location of the upcoming conference and then during the conference itself. Board members shape the direction of CAVORT with emphasis on member recruitment (both individual and theatre) and volunteer support. Board members donate their service to CAVORT.
If you would like to submit a Board nomination or express your own interest in nomination, send a message to the CAVORT Nominating Chair, Allison Hammons, at at least six weeks before the upcoming conference.
Click here for a list of current CAVORT Board Members.
CAVORT Inc. (Conference About Volunteers of Regional Theatre) is a not-for-profit corporation whose purpose is to strengthen and recognize volunteer organizations.
It aims to establish a network for the exchange of ideas, projects, and fund-raising activities vital in the support of professional, not-for-profit regional theatres.
Theatre membership is open to any professional, not-for-profit theatre. Theatre dues are $50 per year and payable by March 31 of each year.
CAVORT members learn about the upcoming conference through the newsletter. Click here to view newsletters.
Qualified theatres are encouraged to join CAVORT by printing and completing this form.
Individual memberships run for 2 years, from Conference to Conference. Individual membership is open to any volunteer or staff of professional, not-for-profit theatres. Membership fee is $10 per individual, if the affiliated theatre is a member of CAVORT, and $15 per individual, if the affiliated theatre is NOT a member of CAVORT.
I really appreciated the in-depth view of the specific theater visited. There was a clear explanation of how this theater functioned, including its volunteer programs.
Interacting with other theatres, the opportunity to see plays that were new and fresh, learning new ideas to try at our theatre.
I particularly enjoyed the round-table discussions. Learning how different volunteer groups are and how they do things was fascinating.
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