▪ Member theatres are recognized on the CAVORT website and can include a link to their theatre’s website, providing international exposure.
▪ Member theatres can further provide a link on the CAVORT website to their volunteer website/webpage to highlight information about the valuable work done by their volunteers.
▪ Member theatres are identified in CAVORT newsletters, which are distributed to theatre enthusiasts and regional theatres across the United States and in Canada. 
▪ Member theatres can mount a “theatre display” featuring their theatre and its volunteer activities for viewing by participants from peer theatres at each biennial conference.
▪ Member theatres can submit “Bright Ideas” from their volunteer endeavors to be showcased at each biennial conference and then added to the Bright Ideas website archive.
▪ Member theatres provide their volunteers – and the staff who work with them -  the opportunity to interact with their cohorts from theatres across the United States and in Canada, allowing them to share creative ideas and productive endeavors.
▪ Member theatres are eligible to showcase their theatre to American and Canadian theatre enthusiasts by hosting a CAVORT conference.


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▪ Demonstrates support for your volunteers and the value they bring to your theatre’s mission and programs.
▪ Gives your theatre access to the ONLY conference focused exclusively on theatre volunteers.    
▪ Gives your theatre a means to foster more effective, well-rounded and committed theatre volunteers.
▪ Gives your theatre access to strategies to maximize your volunteers’ contributions.
▪ Provides a source of ideas for services that volunteers can provide to your theatre, along with strategies to implement them.  
▪ Provides access to education and training for your volunteers and the staff who work with them.
▪ Provides an opportunity—through the CAVORT newsletter, CAVORT website, and the biennial conference—to recognize volunteer excellence.


Specifically, CAVORT THEATRE MEMBERS . . . 

▪ Enable reduced CAVORT dues for their individual members.
▪ Receive one vote at the biennial CAVORT Business Meeting.

▪ Can contribute content of interest to volunteers and their theatres to the CAVORT website.

  1. ​Member theatres