CAVORT – Conference About Volunteers of Regional Theatre – is a non-profit organization designed to celebrate the valuable work of volunteers in non-profit professional theatres.
Every two years, CAVORT presents a conference hosted by a member theatre. It’s a chance for exchanging ideas, networking with other theatre volunteers, seeing a show or two, and enjoying the company of like-minded theatre supporters.
Individual membership is $10.00 (US) from conference to conference (2 years) if you’re affiliated with a LORT theatre and it is a member - $15.00 (US) if you are not. Benefits include the CAVORT newsletter and the invitation to the conference. You must join to attend.
LORT Theatre membership is $100.00 (US) from conference to conference. Benefits include the CAVORT newsletter and a vote at the Conference General Meeting. Theatre staff is encouraged to attend the conference.
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